Minimal Investment – ultimate Precision
SmartKnife® stands for precise and reliable radiosurgery with a minimal investment. As an add-on expansion to existing teletherapy units, Precisis SmartKnife®truly is a smart solution and a low-end alternative to the Elekta GammaKnife.
What is so special about it?
The SmartKnife® concept incorporates your existing Radiotherapy machine. The SmartKnife® components are attached temporarily for the radiosurgical treatment. The modification only takes minimal effort and is easy to handle.
With its superior cost-benefit ratio the Precisis SmartKnife® convinces even most efficiently designed care-providers’ budgets.
The manual design and the intuitive plausibility checks of the complete SmartKnife® package significantly decrease the quality assurance efforts.
And: the SmartKnife® leafs are just 1 mm wide, so much thinner than conventional linac leafs. This is just 1,7 mm in ISO center for real target conformity!
- Arteriovenous Malformations (AVM)
- Acoustic Neuroma
- Metastases
- High grade glioma
- Meningioma
- Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Etc.
- Additional: Various indications of extracranial stereo- tactic Radiosurgery (SRS) and stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT).
Stereotactic Radiosurgery treatment planning system, DICOM compatible, 3D dose calculation / evaluation
Manual MicroMLC with leaf width 1,7 mm at isocentre for conformal Radiosurgery. System-inherent minimal quality assurance effort.
Target positioner:
Stereotactic target frame for Laser positioning
Fixation possibilities for fractionated and single fraction treatments.
Field form templates:
PMMA plates for precise and fast MLC field setup.